Monday, 16 March 2009

Moving on

I stand in front of the full-length mirror.
I look at myself.
I am no longer what I used to be.

My eyes have dark circles.
They are swollen and red.
They don't have a sparkle.

My lips, they don't smile no more.
No smiles reach my eyes.

I don't walk.
I just shuffle.

My heart is heavy, all the time.
It beats slower.

I am nothing.
But a shell.
Whose soul you took away.

I await its return.
Till then.
I look forward to nothing.


Ire said...

:( Hope you get over it soon sweety!

Himanshu Bhagat said...

There always are bright things to look forward to. It is just that in the dark we don't realize that something bright is there... :) tc...

workhard said...

AWWW, im sure its not as bad as mine....if that could put a smile )

Haiku Poems